Lotus Circle International’s highly skilled and culturally sensitive trainers and assistants work around the globe providing professional level Integrative Somatic Expressive Arts (ISEA) Trainings and workshops to underserved people and NGO staff in need of cutting-edge clinical training and support for trauma. Our current programs mostly benefit women, children, and NGO staff affected by sexual abuse, exploitation and trafficking.
We conduct evidence-based research in our programs to ensure delivery of the most effective training and care. We focus on building client-centered relationships, respecting and supporting the local culture, and continually support local women and grass roots organizations to become more resiliant and empowered.
LCI’s clinical team members are experts in their field and all bring open hearts, compassion, and strength to their work with others. We believe in building long term working relationships that foster mutual support and cooperation and enable this important work to continue after our trainings are complete.
What We Offer
In the field Integrative Somatic Expressive Arts professional level trainings that are experiential, healing focused, and skills based trauma support for self regulation.
Support Clinics for Individual trauma support, nervous system regulation and “debriefing”
Psychological/Trauma First Aid courses
Organizational Crisis Intervention
Empowerment and Stress Reduction Workshops
Needs assessments
Program Development (somatic- trauma focused)
Intervention strategies and protocol development
Internet based support services
Who We Serve
Survivors of trafficking, exploitation, gender based violence & abuse
NGO Staff working with trauma survivors
Humanitarian Workers & Volunteers
Women’s groups, Village Leaders
Therapists, Counselors, Social Workers
Shelter workers and caregivers
First Responders
Refugees, Displaced people
Journalists, Medical Personnel, Church Groups
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